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    • #1461

        Hi on my kodi app the sd card fills up quickly and then after 40mins ish of playing it’ll quit and then you need to select the stream again to resume from where it cut off and again 40 mins later it’ll cut out once you clear the sd card and renter all the repositorys it works fine for a few weeks until the sd card refills up! I turned the logging function off and that stopped he issue however it turned the logging back on it’s self? I don’t want to have to keep rentering all the repositorys so how can I stop my box from logging permanently? Oh and the maintenance tool doesn’t affect the issue

        Thanks in advance dave

      • #1482
        GS Tech

          Hi, which Kodi app are you using? Our version of Kodi shouldn’t populate any SD cards with data. Have you installed some sort of wizard to your Kodi install?

          • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by GS Tech.
        • #1499

            Just the standard kodi that comes pre installed and adding the fusion addon

          • #1500
            GS Tech

              Ok, so it looks like something within Fusion is writing stuff to the SD card. Have you read somewhere that you need to have an SD card plugged in? What do they say over at the Fusion forums?

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