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    • #1370
      GS Tech

        We have no issues with you discussing add-ons and what they give access to. However, no forum administrator/Moderator can offer assistance or advice for add-ons or apps that give circumvented access to copyrighted material.

        Here on the forum, people tend to be quite thoughtful with their posts. On facebook, people seem to think it’s fine to link to competitors for hardware sales.

        In a PM, if people want to send links to anything, assuming you’re not spamming, feel free.

        In terms of links/procedures for other video add-ons, repositories or Wizard-like add-ons, again feel free in threads as well. You might want to make it clear that Gostreamer can’t officially support 3rd party add-ons… in other words if we can’t figure out something amongst ourselves on this forum, customers using other Wizards need to appreciate the author of the code will be better able to help than the hardware vendor. With common sense and realistic expectations, all is good.

        One final addition to this text (I’ve copied it from an old answer of mine to another thread), if you’re new to this forum and don’t have many posts yet, you won’t be able to post new (live) links yet. What do I mean by live?
        https://gostreamer.com and http://gostreamer.com are examples of live links, you click them, they open a site.
        If you don’t yet have permission to post live links (which is nothing personal, just one way to keep the spammers away) then you can always replace the Ts in http or https with asterisks. So you’ll find you can post (using the examples above)
        h**ps://gostreamer.com and h**p://gostreamer.com
        Those links can not be clicked as they aren’t valid URLs yet, however humans can normally read them and tell the * should be swapped for t.

      • #1407


        • #1549
          Peter Gow

            News Flash
            All TV Boxes will be experiencing problems due to a lawsuit in Texas by Dish Network. Phoenix, UK Turks List, Navi-X, Mash Up, Echo Coder and quite a few of the third party Add-Ons have closed down. What the outcome will be we will have to wait and see.

          • #1550
            Peter Gow

              News Flash
              All TV Boxes will be experiencing problems due to a lawsuit in Texas by Dish Network. Phoenix, UK Turks List, Navi-X, Mash Up, Echo Coder and quite a few of the third party Add-Ons have closed down. What the outcome will be we will have to wait and see.

            • #178810

              Thank you

            • #178828
              John Turner


              • #178847

                  Thank you for interesting forum and ideas

                • #178860
                  renee sinz

                    Thank you for interesting forum and ideas

                  • #178888
                    Sophia Kalvin


                    • #178892


                      • #178986
                        Varsha Sangal


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